Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Don't have money to buy iPhone? Prostitute yourself

Madness against various gadgets and cutting-edge telecommunications equipment caused a 14-year-old girl to sell her body, including sleeping with men in their 60s to get money to buy her favorite gadgets.

She was uncovered when her family realized she had branded and the latest gadgets that costing thousands of dollars.

Initially the the girl claimed the gadgets belonged to a school friend but she later admitted selling her body because she wanted to have the goods.

Sharing her experience the girl who wanted to be known as Sarah said she started prostituting herself early this year.

"Every time I sell the body, I get RM200 to RM300. The figure is good and it allows me to purchase a variety of new gadgets such as tablet computers and smartphones including the iPad, BlackBerry in addition to well-known branded handbags."

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